Sunday, May 8 - San Diego

Amy had made a brunch reservation for us at The Rabbit Hole. Eric met us here for our 11am reservation. We had a very pleasant lunch in the patio in the back.

After lunch and a break, we went to Balboa Park for the organ concert. Amy was going to drop us off but the police had the road barricaded a short distance before the organ pavilion. The park was being locked down due to the protests about the Supreme Court leaked draft about overturning Roe vs Wade. Amy parked and came up with Penny just as the concert was starting. It started again with the Ukrainian national anthem - very moving.

After the concert we went over to the Botanical building but it was closed for renovation. It is hard to imagine moving out all the plants moved out, some of which are large tree. As we were walking to the car, the protest was in the main plaza. Lots of people chanting with signs. We eventually got to the car but the traffic was so backed up that we sat on the grass for about half an hour before trying to leave.

We wanted to go to "Shrimp Heads" for dinner but couldn't find out how long the wait would be so we went to Pete's Seafood instead and had a delicious dinner. Nana and I had the grilled shrimp with mango chipotle. Amy had the fish and chips which was particularly good with New England wild cod.

When we got back, we watched a few episodes of Russian Doll which was very strange - Eric had recommended it.


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