Wednesday, May 4 - Visiting San Juan Capistrano

 The foundation guys were here again, bright and early. I started to work on the plumbing side but there was a pile of dirt from the foundation guys in the way who said they would clear it away later.

Amy took Nana and me to the San Diego Depot for our 10am train, Penny along for the ride as she was going to doggie day care again. 

The sun was shining brightly and it was a pleasant ride on the ride up to San Juan Capistrano. We could see many surfers along the way.

The San Juan Capistrano mission is an interesting historic site to visit with the ruins of the Basilica that was finished in 1806 and then collapsed in an earthquake in 1812 and never rebuilt. There are also many interesting exhibits about the mission which was founded in 1776 and had many ups and downs of its history with ownership by Mexico, then private ownership and then transferred back to the Catholic church by Abraham Lincoln just before his assassination.

We took a break in our visit to have lunch at Hennessey's, across from the mission. There is a very nice patio in the back where Carmen and I had lunch when we visited last December.

We were supposed to get the 4:26 Amtrak train back to San Diego. After more than half an hour, I got a phone call from Amtrak saying that the train was cancelled due to an equipment issue and saying that we should take the 6:26 train. The 6:26 train was about half an hour late. Business class on the train comes with boxed snacks and wine so we didn't need dinner when we got back. We got to Old Town a little after 8 and Amy picked us up.


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